They represent heaven, and they must also admit that the orthodox position of heaven will be shaken if it is so subtle.

I must promote the emergence of this era, and this warlock will also be an opportunity for me to end the era of the gods, destroy the interpretation and obtain the means of atmospheric transport to prevent the power of the whip from rising.
Now that the inspiration has been eradicated, the only thing left is to teach and support the three gods. It seems that I must also think of a way to cut off these three gods and the huge gods behind them who hold the whip symbol.
But behind these gods are Yuan Tianzun and his younger brother, who are ready to explain. It will hurt to treat them alone.
Thought of here, Gao Cai’s eyes couldn’t help looking at Wuzhuangguan, Wanshou Mountain, which has been closed all the time. This town is a famous but real ancestor.
In a flood era, all the immortals and gods were under the jurisdiction of heaven, and this town was also trapped in Wanshou Mountain and did not receive celestial gifts.
Now, these magicians are destined to stay on the earth and become immortal in the future. This town will make him famous.
I can invite this town Yuan Union by virtue of this point, and I am not afraid that he will refuse. After all, this temptation is too great for many immortals, and this willingness to produce incense has formed enough power for the town Yuan to survive a big disaster, almost like a saint.
Only with this high level can I believe that Zhenyuan will definitely pay attention to this warlock of heaven and earth, and now he will slowly pull out other gods to support and strengthen this warlock.
Thinking of this, Gao Cai has been taking care of the Tiangong ginseng doll from the depths and crawling in front of Gao Cai. "I don’t know if it’s important?"
"Ginseng doll, you have made great contributions to taking care of this great paradise. Today, I promise you a great chance. You can break through the shackles and chop off a corpse to achieve the goal of being a saint, and you have made great contributions. Would you like to go in the future?"
Looked at the ginseng doll Gao Cai said slowly, eyes closed with a faint gaze. The ginseng doll was already repaired in the early stage of picking Jin Xian.
However, he is a ginseng with weak body and insufficient heel. Today’s cultivation is also a long-term accumulation, and if you want to increase your cultivation, you will get some opportunities.
Gao Cai’s remarks also want to give this ginseng doll a chance.
"The Buddha blessed the little fairy and was afraid to go!"
Ginseng doll immediately prostrated and bowed down with excitement in her eyes.
"Your body is placed in the depths of this pure sun thunder sea to nourish you and reincarnate you into warlocks, leading them to destroy the gods and create warlocks. Go to Fazu!"
After hearing the words of ginseng doll, Gao Cai said simply, then he gently grasped the ghost in his hand and flew out to cover the ginseng doll.
In this dark cover, the ginseng doll flies out of a black figure and returns to the world to appear a young human figure.
If someone buys this ginseng doll, they will immediately become a true fairy, and with a little practice, they will be able to become a pick fairy in the future, but they are not worried about this in this big paradise.
When Gao Cai touched the ginseng doll’s body with his sleeve, it flew into the depths of the pure sunshine thunder sea. With these pure sunshine thunder water resources, the ginseng doll’s body can also be continuously nourished and slowly raised, which will not lead to retrogression.
After arranging the reincarnation of this ginseng doll, Gao Cai’s hand caught the Yuan magic banner toward the boundary and appeared in his hand after sweeping the eye Yuan magic banner.
Gao Cai placed it next to the Thunder Sea in Chunyang, and the Yuan magic banner suddenly rose, and the poor faith floated out of it, and the suppressed gods also appeared around the five celestial monuments.
Great faith sharpens these five monumental bodies and nourishes them continuously.
Gao Cai, this is to forge these five celestial monuments by forging the golden body method of Buddhism, and to strengthen their body strength and sacrifice them to the realm of immortality.
Just because of these huge beliefs, the talented people are not stingy. While forging, they just take this opportunity to engrave the Buddhist achievements into the five celestial monuments.
Chapter six hundred and twenty-two One minute five
There is a huge island floating in the depths of the vast South China Sea. Although the whole island is called an island, it has Wan Li land, and there are hundreds or thousands of small islands around it.
In the outermost layer, some Jin Ao quietly guarded the huge islands with large and small islands.
This island group is the warlock base, and all the warlocks are here, which is also the root of the warlock against the gods.
On this day, the whole sorcerer’s island suddenly gathered with rosy clouds, which exuded auspicious spirit. In the distance, there were several rainbows overlapping like a rainbow country.
In these rainbows and rosy clouds, there is a faint power to sing about the beast and give people a sigh of relief.
In this vision, the highest peak in the sorcerer’s island, Zhongshu Island, stands a huge altar in the heavens and the earth. In the altar, thirteen most powerful sorcerers are respectfully arranged around the altar, staring at the altar with nine golden dragons surrounded by a huge bronze mirror.
And around the altar, the strength of the magicians is arranged layer by layer, and the whole mountain is covered with circles and circles. These magicians are waiting nervously
A year ago, everyone received the revelation from heaven, that is, the creation method was free, and the ancestor of Heaven will be reincarnated. With this will arrival, there is also this bronze mirror of innate Lingbao level.
With this golden dragon mirror, the warlock can suppress the fate, and the arrival of this ancestor will also bring the warlock to overcome the gods and truly create the warlock era
In this year, all warlocks were recalled to the warlock island, and all the masters were guarded here to prevent accidents.
According to the golden dragon mirror, today Fazu will come to the warlock.
Today, all the pregnant women in the warlock are taken care of, and the experts in the warlock are also on guard against foreign invasion.
"wow! Wow! "
While everyone was holding their breath, a weak baby cried and sounded. This sound was amplified by the warlock around the pregnant woman and immediately spread all over the islands.
"Fazu came to visit with us!"
Thirteen magicians guarding the golden dragon mirror shouted, "Take the lead in turning a golden light into a small island on the periphery, and then several lights flashed out and flew out in unison."
When everyone arrived at the surrounding small islands, the clouds and rainbows thundered and quickly gathered to form a golden robe and a golden staff.
The robe and staff slowly landed in a woman’s hand holding a baby and melted into the baby’s body.
Looking at this baby and the coming robe and staff, all the magicians are full of joy and excitement.
At this time, all kinds of visions will also say that magicians will flourish and they will never become sages. This is a belief that can resist the hope of the gods
At home in the heavenly palace, Gao Cai looked at the scene of the warlock island and smiled slightly, so he took back all kinds of magical powers and ignored these scenes.
The eyes sank slightly, and the three men, the cold monarch and the dust monarch, immediately came and prostrated themselves in the Gao Cai seat. After being recovered by Gao Cai, they have become immortals and achieved great achievements in the past hundreds of millions of years.
"Let’s meet the Buddha and don’t know what the Buddha is recruiting?"
Three people look respectful and worship.
"The era of sorcery has already started, and it will be the era of immortals. Although the three of you have become immortals, it is difficult for you to go any further. Once the era of immortals comes, you can be called the ancestor of the ancestors and fulfill your expectations!"
Looking at these three people, Gao Cai’s eyes sparkled and said that these three people also played a chess game to divide the fortune and merits of the fairy age.
At that time, the immortals in the fairy era will also see the heaven as the new moon, which will inevitably shake their status and influence, and will also run through the three realms of heaven, earth and man.
"Thank you for your advice! My three people are willing to go! "
The three men looked at each other with a hint of joy. It is already a great accident for them to practice to pick Jin Xian. If they want to go further, they need a great chance to hear what Gao Cai said. The three men are very excited.