Mufu sword unsheathed, and a silver sword awn crossed Shiba’s throat.

Shiba looked at Mufu with disbelief in his eyes. He didn’t expect Mufu to suddenly kill himself.
"Mufu … you kill me … you can’t get the method of poison again …" Shiba said with difficulty in spraying blood foam in her throat.
MuFu sneer at a way "you make the method of poison and antidote is enough and the method of poison I know if modulation to you now? If it weren’t for you, you wouldn’t have suffered humiliation in the valley of the deaf-mute. Unfortunately, you haven’t cultivated the northern ghost magic, otherwise your skill will be my admiration. "
"Pa" Shiba fell to the ground and died.
Before Shiba died, he finally understood that Mufu was more hateful and ambitious than Wang Yue.
Wang Yue just wants the achievement method, but Mu Fu is killing people.
"Gongye, what are you …" Storm evil looked at Shiba with sympathy in her eyes.
I didn’t expect this simple and honest Miao people in honest and frank to be killed by Gongye.
Mu Fu said coldly, "Don’t say anything. Let’s go now. If Wang Yue comes after us, we will all die. Let’s find a quiet place to recuperate and practice martial arts."
Mufu left Shiba’s body off the ground quickly with Bao Butong and Storm Evil.
Ding Chunqiu spilled a handful of powder when he left, which was the vicious "Xiaoyao San Xiao Powder".
At that time, Wang Yue and Xue Muhua didn’t pay attention to wait until Xuan Nan and Su Xinghe laughed three times before reacting, but by this time they were already poisoned into the bone marrow and the immortals were hard to save.
Xu Zhushen, the present owner of Minstrel, naturally needs him to handle this funeral.
But the young monks of Shaolin Temple went back to Shaolin Temple with Xuan Nan’s body.
There are two new graves in the valley of the deaf-mute, one is a cliff and the other is Su Xinghe.
Wang Yue came to the cliff grave with Wang Yuyan and Xiao Huan and said, "Rosa, let’s worship a cliff elder. Speaking of it, cliff elder is still your grandfather. When I saw him, his body was already dying. If it weren’t for a profound skill, he would have died long ago. Family boxing is magical, but after all, it’s not immortal and it can’t save him."
Wang Yuyan looked at the stone tablet in front of the cliff grave and murmured with tears, "Grandpa?"
Li Qingluo also told Wang Yuyan about Cliff and Li Qiushui, but he really had no impression of his grandparents Wang Yuyan, but he was still a little sad when he learned that Cliff was his own grandfather.
Wang Yue held Wang Yuyan in her arms and comforted, "Cliff elder Jane Long’s chess game was cracked by Xu Zhu, and all his efforts were also given to Xu Zhu. His last wish was to complete Minstrel traitor Ding Chunqiu’s natural Xu Zhu to deal with Rosa. Let’s go."
Wang Yuyan wiped her tears and asked, "Yue Lang, where are we going?"
Wang Yue laughed. "We don’t want to read the complete classics when we go to Tianshan Minstrel. We can go to Tianshan Lingjiu Palace and Xixia Palace."
Minstrel Tibetan Cliff Li Qiushui and Wu Xingyun want to see the complete Minstrel classics and can go to these two places.
Wang Yuyan nodded, "Listen to Yue Lang and we will go to Tianshan Mountain."
Wang Yue happened to meet Xu Zhu when she was leaving with Wang Yuyan and Xiao Huan.
Xu Zhu put his hands together and said, "Wang Yue Shaoxia, have you seen my grandfathers and grandfathers?"
Wang Yue laughed. "They should go back to Shaolin Temple. Why did you finish handling things in Minstrel?"
Xu Zhu nodded, "Well, it’s all handled. Now I’ll give the valley of the deaf and dumb to Xue Imperial Doctor and they’ll take care of it. I’m going back to Shaolin Temple now. Wang Yue, little Xia, little monk, take leave."
Xu Zhu left the deaf valley and Wang Yue also took Wang Yuyan and Xiao Huan to Tianshan Mountain.

They represent heaven, and they must also admit that the orthodox position of heaven will be shaken if it is so subtle.

I must promote the emergence of this era, and this warlock will also be an opportunity for me to end the era of the gods, destroy the interpretation and obtain the means of atmospheric transport to prevent the power of the whip from rising.
Now that the inspiration has been eradicated, the only thing left is to teach and support the three gods. It seems that I must also think of a way to cut off these three gods and the huge gods behind them who hold the whip symbol.
But behind these gods are Yuan Tianzun and his younger brother, who are ready to explain. It will hurt to treat them alone.
Thought of here, Gao Cai’s eyes couldn’t help looking at Wuzhuangguan, Wanshou Mountain, which has been closed all the time. This town is a famous but real ancestor.
In a flood era, all the immortals and gods were under the jurisdiction of heaven, and this town was also trapped in Wanshou Mountain and did not receive celestial gifts.
Now, these magicians are destined to stay on the earth and become immortal in the future. This town will make him famous.
I can invite this town Yuan Union by virtue of this point, and I am not afraid that he will refuse. After all, this temptation is too great for many immortals, and this willingness to produce incense has formed enough power for the town Yuan to survive a big disaster, almost like a saint.
Only with this high level can I believe that Zhenyuan will definitely pay attention to this warlock of heaven and earth, and now he will slowly pull out other gods to support and strengthen this warlock.
Thinking of this, Gao Cai has been taking care of the Tiangong ginseng doll from the depths and crawling in front of Gao Cai. "I don’t know if it’s important?"
"Ginseng doll, you have made great contributions to taking care of this great paradise. Today, I promise you a great chance. You can break through the shackles and chop off a corpse to achieve the goal of being a saint, and you have made great contributions. Would you like to go in the future?"
Looked at the ginseng doll Gao Cai said slowly, eyes closed with a faint gaze. The ginseng doll was already repaired in the early stage of picking Jin Xian.
However, he is a ginseng with weak body and insufficient heel. Today’s cultivation is also a long-term accumulation, and if you want to increase your cultivation, you will get some opportunities.
Gao Cai’s remarks also want to give this ginseng doll a chance.
"The Buddha blessed the little fairy and was afraid to go!"
Ginseng doll immediately prostrated and bowed down with excitement in her eyes.
"Your body is placed in the depths of this pure sun thunder sea to nourish you and reincarnate you into warlocks, leading them to destroy the gods and create warlocks. Go to Fazu!"
After hearing the words of ginseng doll, Gao Cai said simply, then he gently grasped the ghost in his hand and flew out to cover the ginseng doll.
In this dark cover, the ginseng doll flies out of a black figure and returns to the world to appear a young human figure.
If someone buys this ginseng doll, they will immediately become a true fairy, and with a little practice, they will be able to become a pick fairy in the future, but they are not worried about this in this big paradise.
When Gao Cai touched the ginseng doll’s body with his sleeve, it flew into the depths of the pure sunshine thunder sea. With these pure sunshine thunder water resources, the ginseng doll’s body can also be continuously nourished and slowly raised, which will not lead to retrogression.
After arranging the reincarnation of this ginseng doll, Gao Cai’s hand caught the Yuan magic banner toward the boundary and appeared in his hand after sweeping the eye Yuan magic banner.
Gao Cai placed it next to the Thunder Sea in Chunyang, and the Yuan magic banner suddenly rose, and the poor faith floated out of it, and the suppressed gods also appeared around the five celestial monuments.
Great faith sharpens these five monumental bodies and nourishes them continuously.
Gao Cai, this is to forge these five celestial monuments by forging the golden body method of Buddhism, and to strengthen their body strength and sacrifice them to the realm of immortality.
Just because of these huge beliefs, the talented people are not stingy. While forging, they just take this opportunity to engrave the Buddhist achievements into the five celestial monuments.
Chapter six hundred and twenty-two One minute five
There is a huge island floating in the depths of the vast South China Sea. Although the whole island is called an island, it has Wan Li land, and there are hundreds or thousands of small islands around it.
In the outermost layer, some Jin Ao quietly guarded the huge islands with large and small islands.
This island group is the warlock base, and all the warlocks are here, which is also the root of the warlock against the gods.
On this day, the whole sorcerer’s island suddenly gathered with rosy clouds, which exuded auspicious spirit. In the distance, there were several rainbows overlapping like a rainbow country.
In these rainbows and rosy clouds, there is a faint power to sing about the beast and give people a sigh of relief.
In this vision, the highest peak in the sorcerer’s island, Zhongshu Island, stands a huge altar in the heavens and the earth. In the altar, thirteen most powerful sorcerers are respectfully arranged around the altar, staring at the altar with nine golden dragons surrounded by a huge bronze mirror.
And around the altar, the strength of the magicians is arranged layer by layer, and the whole mountain is covered with circles and circles. These magicians are waiting nervously
A year ago, everyone received the revelation from heaven, that is, the creation method was free, and the ancestor of Heaven will be reincarnated. With this will arrival, there is also this bronze mirror of innate Lingbao level.
With this golden dragon mirror, the warlock can suppress the fate, and the arrival of this ancestor will also bring the warlock to overcome the gods and truly create the warlock era
In this year, all warlocks were recalled to the warlock island, and all the masters were guarded here to prevent accidents.
According to the golden dragon mirror, today Fazu will come to the warlock.
Today, all the pregnant women in the warlock are taken care of, and the experts in the warlock are also on guard against foreign invasion.
"wow! Wow! "
While everyone was holding their breath, a weak baby cried and sounded. This sound was amplified by the warlock around the pregnant woman and immediately spread all over the islands.
"Fazu came to visit with us!"
Thirteen magicians guarding the golden dragon mirror shouted, "Take the lead in turning a golden light into a small island on the periphery, and then several lights flashed out and flew out in unison."
When everyone arrived at the surrounding small islands, the clouds and rainbows thundered and quickly gathered to form a golden robe and a golden staff.
The robe and staff slowly landed in a woman’s hand holding a baby and melted into the baby’s body.
Looking at this baby and the coming robe and staff, all the magicians are full of joy and excitement.
At this time, all kinds of visions will also say that magicians will flourish and they will never become sages. This is a belief that can resist the hope of the gods
At home in the heavenly palace, Gao Cai looked at the scene of the warlock island and smiled slightly, so he took back all kinds of magical powers and ignored these scenes.
The eyes sank slightly, and the three men, the cold monarch and the dust monarch, immediately came and prostrated themselves in the Gao Cai seat. After being recovered by Gao Cai, they have become immortals and achieved great achievements in the past hundreds of millions of years.
"Let’s meet the Buddha and don’t know what the Buddha is recruiting?"
Three people look respectful and worship.
"The era of sorcery has already started, and it will be the era of immortals. Although the three of you have become immortals, it is difficult for you to go any further. Once the era of immortals comes, you can be called the ancestor of the ancestors and fulfill your expectations!"
Looking at these three people, Gao Cai’s eyes sparkled and said that these three people also played a chess game to divide the fortune and merits of the fairy age.
At that time, the immortals in the fairy era will also see the heaven as the new moon, which will inevitably shake their status and influence, and will also run through the three realms of heaven, earth and man.
"Thank you for your advice! My three people are willing to go! "
The three men looked at each other with a hint of joy. It is already a great accident for them to practice to pick Jin Xian. If they want to go further, they need a great chance to hear what Gao Cai said. The three men are very excited.

There is a spirit in this drop of blood-Sirius!

Over the years, Wu Daozun has been practicing most of the time, ignoring Sirius and almost forgetting that he is there.
It was not until violet really re-established the induction that he remembered that there was such a blood from the world in the bag!
"What are you doing?"
Sirius suddenly became a little nervous after seeing budo Zun.
He can naturally feel that this person’s breath has become more terrible and powerful in the past thousand years!
This man sacrificed three flames that year and tortured him to death.
"Tell me about the origin of the town prison tripod"
Wu Daozun stared at the blood in his palm and asked slowly
"I really can’t remember."
Sirius responded.
"Okay, I’ll help you."
Wu Daozun’s look remains unchanged, and four flames emerge directly from his palm!
Four flames interweave into a prison, trapping Sirius in it, blazing and erupting into a terrible flame, which seems to burn everything!
Even a huge hole was burned in the palm of Wu Daozun’s hand.
Wu Daozun’s palms are already in the virtual space, but the virtual turbulence can also blow out these four flames!
Three flames almost killed Sirius.
These four flaming Sirius suddenly burst into a scream!
This drop of blood made a strange noise and smoked in the flame.
The breath of life in the blood is rapidly decaying!
According to this trend, this drop of blood will be completely burned into virtual by four flames in less than half an hour!
"I said I said!"
Sirius screams again and again
Wu Daozun’s flame has slightly converged but has not been removed.
Sirius quickly said, "In those days, a peerless strong man was born in Buddhism, who suppressed many evil spirits and refined his own flesh into a purgatory!"
"This strong man suppressed this prison and cast a magnificent weapon tripod with a Buddhist taboo secret book" Prajna Nirvana Sutra "engraved on its body. The four walls of the tripod were integrated into the four sacred animal souls, which greatly increased the power of the tripod in the town prison!"
"This humanitarian number is called the Great!"
Chapter one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one Mine variation
"The great …"
Wu Dao Zun Qing Nan Yi
His mind heard Sirius’s description, and it was hard to hide his shock in his eyes.
Its own flesh and blood is refined into a purgatory to suppress evil spirits. This is such a means!
Not to mention detaining the souls of the four sacred beasts and casting peerless magic weapons.
Even if Wu Daozun doesn’t know much about the world, he can probably guess that the four sacred beasts, namely Qinglong, Suzaku, White Tiger and Xuanwu, must be the highest peak in the world.
However, such a powerful holy beast is still suppressed and detained by the emperor, and its powerful means can be seen in the town prison tripod.
But even so, the prison tripod was broken.
"Is the Great Emperor still alive?"
Wu Daozun asked.
In fact, Wu Daozun had an answer in his heart when he asked this sentence.
If the emperor were still alive, the ding ding of the town prison would not be broken and buried in the ruins.
"Long dead."
Sirius said, "The great emperor once created an era, but I don’t know how many years have passed since that era, perhaps hundreds of millions of years or billions of years are too long … even the great emperor can’t last forever for so long."
Wu Daozun frowned slightly.
Sirius explained, "If a great emperor is born, it will create an era of its own, and when the great emperor falls, it will mean the end of this era."
"You mean there is one emperor in an era?"
Wu Daozun asks.
"That’s nature."
Sirius said, "There are many powerful emperors in many interfaces, but there is one emperor in every era!" The emperor came to the sky to gather fate and rule Wan Jieyu. Who dares not obey! "
The only emperor!

Jiao Fei finally knew that he couldn’t rush out of the Monty Palace by himself. Then he asked Lin Xiaolian, "Sister Xiaolian, can you break through the Monty Palace?"

Lin Xiaolian laughed. "I naturally can’t hit a passage if Yuan Monty’s seal is intact. Now Yuan Monty’s seal has not recovered. I can do nothing, but you don’t worry that although Monty Palace has trapped us, we can’t be so trapped. With his five ghosts, the king still can’t understand those Monty ancestors in Monty Palace."
Jiao Fei smiled and relieved Lin Xiaolian first, but his heart was not sure. I thought, "Monty Palace has become a magic weapon of heaven and earth. I have seen two pieces, one is pure Jun Xianhu, and the other is this Monty Palace. Although it is a magic weapon of pure Yang series, its body function is to remove the void, but it is not to make a hole in the sky. Monty Seal has not yet been able to make a hole in the sky. It is inferior to these two pieces."
Jiao Fei can’t figure out a way. It’s just temporary.
Although the Five-Ghost King drives the Monty Palace to weaken the mana of the two people, Lin Xiaolian has a monty shirt at the root, which affects Jiao Fei. He can’t feel the five-Ghost King when he looks at his heart. Although he is angry, he also knows that he can’t stand two people and be cruel. He moved them to Monty Sect, a senior practicing mountain range, and he left them alone.
Jiao Fei and Lin Xiaolian suddenly sensed that the surrounding changes were near a mountain range. Jiao Fei’s heart said, "What’s the moth with the five ghosts?" Is there any powerful person hiding in this mountain? Want to use this person to deal with both of us? "
Jiao Fei tried to fly out of the sword pill, and the sword light immediately shone around.
This magic weapon from heaven and earth is different from the real world after all. There is no sun, moon, stars and monty palace, and the world is always opaque day and night. This sword is so bright that it immediately stirs up all the creatures around it.
A colorful python actually spits out a cloud of colorful clouds with its mouth open, which is obviously more poisonous than it is.
Jiao Fei didn’t even bother to come up with the means. It was all the time that Six Yang sealed the gods’ banners and ingested this flying colorful python. In an instant, the consciousness of the flesh and blood was separated, and each of them was taken away by Six Yang sealed the gods’ banners and Yuan Chen’s book of Yin and Yang.
This gorgeous python was collected, and another group of winged animals flew out and rushed towards Jiao Fei and Lin Xiaolian. Lin Xiaolian clung to Jiao Fei and didn’t look at him. The six Yang gods were still full of six colors, and the animals were swallowed up. This forced a smile. "Brother Jiao Fei, this multiplier is interesting. I wonder where you bought it?"
JiaoFei laughed "what bought? Will you buy me one? This multiplier … is a gift from senior grandmaster of Tianhe Sword Sect. "
Lin Xiaolian wondered, "Since it has been given, of course, there is a master, but a magic weapon should be given twice."
Jiao Fei told Lin Xiaolian about the origin of the six Yang deities. Lin Xiaolian heard that this baby turned out to be a Taoist priest with a hundred bones, and the Tianhe Sword Sect Guo Zushi could not help laughing. "You Tianhe Sword Sect are always weird and strange, and a Su Xinghe has also asked the Guo family that both their fathers are mysterious and tight, and they don’t know where to hide. Even your brothers are afraid of some secrets."
Jiao Fei laughed. "That is, I, the youngest true brother of the three generations, also have many bad things to say. I want to talk to Guo Songyang, a real person, to reveal my identity and deliberately bring out the shape sword and the monty shirt. If the real person asks me, I can put those things mildly, but Guo Songyang, a real person, disdains to leave me this secret. His old man’s house has long known that since I am willing to be a disciple of Tianhe Sword, he is too lazy to care what my origin is, and I want to go …"
Lin Xiaolian said with a smile, "Will you take me with you when you open the Dojo in the future?"
Jiao Fei said, "I think Guo Songyang is a real person, whether it’s your origin or not. I haven’t told his old man’s house yet. We won’t tell him about it until I’m refined into a god or you’re refined into an immortal body."
Lin Xiaolian nodded slightly as if she were thoughtful. Looking at all kinds of animals that have collided with each other, she leaned her charming body against Jiaofei and never said anything again.
Jiao Fei saw that Lin Xiaolian didn’t want to make moves. He simply took Lin Xiaolian with the boat, took this multiplier, and then put the thirty-six large arrays of Taixu robes together. He really said that it was impregnable. He took out the bones of the two monty elders, thinking that it would be a matter anyway, he put his finger into the six or seven groups of demons and spells to bring up the two immortals to sacrifice and refine them.
Jiao Fei knew what the two magic elders were afraid of practicing as soon as they entered the body, and these veins were quite impure and fused with each other. Jiao Fei was slightly surprised and asked Lin Xiaolian about this situation. After all, she was a magic door elder, and she was far more knowledgeable than Jiao Fei.
Lin Xiaolian listened to Jiao Fei’s representative and immediately said, "This is not white. These two people want to turn their body mana into a breakthrough in the tenth level. They were burned out by Chi Di’s blood. Although they still refined the immortal body, people seem a little silly. It seems that these five ghost kings really have Chi Di’s blood in their hands."
Jiao Fei asked quickly, "Can I refine Chi Di’s blood from the weight of these two magic door elders?"
Lin Xiaolian strange way "how is that possible? After Chi Di’s blood enters the body, it will merge many veins and be consumed long ago, that is, the first person in the door to make an alchemy, Laoqiu, can’t refine Chi Di’s blood. "
Jiao Fei was able to transport the demons’ big curse, and on the 17th, the bones of two magic door elders were sacrificed and refined into two bone rings. Together with the original two, they became a boat. Part of it was Jiao Fei who didn’t get that many days. These two Yuan Chen bone rings had the first heavy ban, and their power was limited.
Jiao Fei sighed and thought in his heart, "It seems that this boat is not because I can’t make a whole sacrifice after practicing to the Yuan God, but this treasure is as powerful as a magic weapon after being afraid of things."
After being captured by Tai Zhou and killed several animals, the animals near this mountain are almost dead. Are there any animals that have come to die and fly? This only drives Tai Zhou to fly slowly along this mountain. Perhaps his fortune is not bad. After flying for three or five days, he actually saw a village called Jiao Fei and asked him. Only then did he know that this place is called Jiu Shao Kingdom, which is called Bai Yun Taoist Fiona Fang, and there are more than 700,000 people in the middle school. It’s true that every year in Jiu Shao, the Chinese people have to check the level of cultivation and kill those who refuse to practice hard. The Chinese people in this way are three or four-year-old
In Jiu Shao, the cultivation of the magic door really calls for the sound wave of monty, and it becomes the body number of the ghost. Zhu pheasant is a natural bird of music. According to ancient times, two birds in the constellation Phoenix were born to play music, and it is also a blessing to the true sage. If you want to cultivate a great mind, you must have nine kinds of truth.
At the beginning, one of the five ghosts who tracked Jiao Fei cultivated this function, and pulled out more than ten colored wires from colorful feathers to lightly pluck the sound waves with two claws to attack the enemy. It is not enough to say that this door can really cultivate to the tenth floor and condense a Zhu Zhi Jiu Shao piano with its true qi. There are fourteen strings that can be played with great power.
Jiao Fei also didn’t think that there was such a custom in Monty Palace. The magic kingdom heart said, "The road flyover Bai Yun is afraid that one of the magic doors has cultivated into an immortal figure. It has long been heard that the magic door middleman has occupied many magic countries in the north, and the elders in the magic door are the gods of a country. The magic door is different from the door, and millions of people are the magic door brothers. If you are willing to practice hard, you will be promoted layer by layer, otherwise there will be many unbearable words."
"This Jiu Shao country is afraid of many magic countries, and it is also more severe. According to his selection terms, it should have been a long-lived magic brother. It is lucky that he can live three hundred years old. When we came, there were many animals around him who attacked everyone, which was to guard against the Jiu Shao people sneaking out. But what if they ran out? This is the monty palace, where the theory of heaven and earth can’t get out. "
Jiao Fei thought for a moment and suddenly wry smile way: "I’m actually no better than these Jiu Shao nationals. Although there is no such harsh world as Jiu Shao, the immortal will go to the ghost prison to suffer. The means of ghost burning is much higher than these magic door elders. Every practitioner will know that people who don’t understand this truth will be governed by the ghost prison without others urging them …"
Jiao Fei and Lin Xiaolian followed the villagers’ advice and Lin Xiaolian flew for half a day to Jiu Shao City, the capital of Jiu Shao, the Jiu Shao City. At first glance, it was a multiplier, and the roots were repaired. One of the ten people in the city was practicing, and the remaining two were also competing for spells to hone various means
Jiao Fei and Lin Xiaolian had an experience in that village, and they didn’t hide the boat. Sure enough, the root ignored them. Jiao Fei turned the boat into a leaf boat, and the contemporary step device became able to take two people. It just went straight into Jiu Shao City and no one stopped it from beginning to end.
Jiao Fei is actually quite unaccustomed to this custom, but he broke into Jiu Shao City to look for the road flyover Bai Yun, and it is possible to find out if it is convenient to leave the Monty Palace Method. It is also a favor to give this monty sonic skill to Guan Sheng Zhen Jun. Although ordinary Jiu Shao nationals are also proficient in this truth, this spell can only be learned correctly if they find someone to repair it.
Jiu Shao City also has more than 100,000 residents, but Jiao Fei and Lin Xiaolian have not seen anyone look at them wherever they are riding the boat. It was not until Jiao Fei found the palace of Jiu Shao that he saw more than ten lux patrolling at the door.
However, these Lux, at first glance, are what implements are sacrificed to coking and flying, and they also ignore their resistance. They are directly included in the bottle of Yin and Yang, and he is not going to sacrifice them and put them in the bottle of Yin and Yang, that is, he is not going to pay attention to them when he takes root.
In addition to these Lux, there is no other defense in Jiu Shao Palace. Jiao Fei and Lin Xiaolian drove the boat to enter Jiu Shao Palace. The area is quite large. Every step forward, the guard Lux will be strong. However, in Jiao Fei’s eyes, it is still just a matter of grabbing and throwing out the bottle of Yin and Yang until it broke into the nine-story palace yard. Only then did a white boy hold a beautiful and colorful piano in his hand. When he saw Jiao Fei and Lin Xiaolian, he smiled. "Which magic door elder sent two?"
Jiao Fei took one look at the nine-color grand piano in your white boy’s hand and it changed color.
This piano is full of a noble Chinese style, and there is a spirit of the earth that is flowing without edge. No matter what spell, you can’t see the material of this piano, but when he thinks of Monty’s sonic skill, he immediately understands that this white boy’s mana has reached a state.
This nine-color piano root is not an instrument. It is a Zhu Luo Jiu Shao piano when Monty’s sonic skill is cultivated to the tenth floor.
Chapter 25 Jean sends a firm but gentle sound.
Besides, the boy in white also said that there was a master who was a road flyover Bai Yun, the master of Jiu Shao.

few humble herbs in the grass. Heart together

With a quick mind, Fang Yun continued to plunder other places and collect herbs.
“Red jade is a blessing!”
Fang Yun in the air, saw a few humble herbs in the grass. Heart together, gently swept, it is necessary to transplant this medicinal material into the “universal clock of heaven and earth”.
As soon as the news passed, Fang Yun was about to collect another piece of medicinal materials. All of a sudden, in front of me, this piece of “Red Jade and Fuze” disappeared.
Fang Yun dazed: “This …”
The front is empty, but there is a silver-haired man in front of him. His look is indifferent and his eyes are like starry sky. There are countless stars in it, which are born and died. Just a look, it seems that people’s souls will be sucked in. And his hand, is holding the Fang Yun just to collect “red jade Fuze”.
“Unexpectedly, someone like me, look at these strains of red jade. Little friend, come out. ”
Silver-haired man looking down at the front, a void. It was empty, but the man’s eyes seemed to have penetrated all the secrets and saw the tiny dust in the depths of space.
Fang Yun mind trembling, the silver-haired man didn’t how powerful momentum, but give the feeling of Fang Yun, but extremely dangerous. With his current strength, he can still feel threatened. This kind of person, for absolute reached, ghosts and gods unpredictable terrible realm.
A strong breath, cold as snow, locked in the space. Fujiki evil gentleman uses the magical power of “the best size” to change the dust. Fang Yun immediately know, he see is broken.
Void vibration, a grain of dust fiercely Yishan, suddenly stretched sharply, blink of an eye, revealing the appearance of evil Fujiki Jun, standing on the earth.

Chapter 664 The first person in Daomen
“Who are you?”
Rattan wood evil gentleman feet don’t touch the ground, gently floating, back several zhangs. After a distance, I looked at the silver-haired man in front of me This man makes him feel too dangerous, so it’s better to stay away.
“Xuan Xuan.” Silver-haired man indifferent blinked, calm way.
Fang Yun was shocked, and could hardly believe his ears. It’s him! Fang Yun didn’t expect to go to Junnian’s master here.
The first master of Taisu School, Yu Xuan. This name is well-known in the sectarian world. Fang Yun also found out that Yu Xuan was the master of Junnian. But this one never went down the mountain, so Fang Yun never saw him.
Fang Yun didn’t expect, would be in a place like this, see the first master YuXuan.
“Turns out to be danger elders, surprisingly, the elders, like me, are interested in these few strains of red grass. A gentleman doesn’t steal people’s love, since Elder Yu also takes a fancy to it. I naturally dare not worry about the elders. ”
Fang Yun didn’t discover the identity of “Red Jade and Fuze”, only that it was a red grass. He bowed his hand and flew upside down, then he wanted to leave: “Elder Yu, I have work to do next. Don’t bother, leave! “

According to the scene, the one who destroyed

"Come on, no matter what chariots. No matter how powerful it is, it can’t be worse than what I put in the clock of heaven and earth. "
According to the scene, the one who destroyed the chariot was probably the broken halberd that Fang Yun met. Now that you have got the most powerful halberd, you don’t have to participate in the battle for the wreckage of the car. So as not to be greedy, you will lose big because of small.
Fang Yun knows, however, that there is a "Hall of All Demons" and the Emperor’s Prince and his party hidden in the dark.
The wind swings, Fang Yun without hesitation to another direction.
"Dragon saliva Gentiana!"
"Chaos tung skin!"
"Yin and Yang stretch grass …"
Fang Yun is constantly collecting the medicinal materials here.
"This time, or try to collect enough. Otherwise, out of here, I’m afraid I can’t find it again! It’ s too pale to have a prescription, but there is no material, but it’ s a very troublesome thing. "
Fang Yun frowned slightly while collecting medicinal materials. The value of "Tai Cang Shen Ding" is far above the general ancient instruments. But one problem that he has to face is that it is impossible for him to find so many places with ancient materials.
Besides, there are many strong people here. A conflict, a fight, can easily make this place, devastated. Besides, so many people are staring. It’s impossible for Fang Yun to sweep the whole piece away.
After all, no one is stupid who can cultivate to the realm of six or seven products of Tianchong. Probably, just seeing some bare spots, I guess someone got the formula of the ancient God Dan.
Suddenly, Wu Guang flashed in my mind, and Fang Yun suddenly had to laugh: "Hey! I actually ignored such a simple fact. " A breeze blew, and another flower disappeared out of thin air. Only this time, not only the roots, stems, flowers and leaves on the surface were collected, but even a piece of soil disappeared.
At the same time, just below a mountain peak, there was a newly transplanted herb.
Transplanting the exotic flowers and herbs in the ancient small world into the universal clock of heaven and earth, and establishing a medicine garden. Use the time of "the clock of heaven and earth" to accelerate energy, breed continuously and cultivate herbs! This is Fang Yun’s solution.
The so-called incoming fans, onlookers see clearly. Fang Yun kept thinking about how to collect more herbs, but ignored the simplest fact. With a complete space, Fang Yun can cultivate itself in it.
The concentration of primordial energy in the Middle Ages and the Near Ages is no longer suitable for cultivating ancient plants and medicinal materials. However, this is not a problem. Fang Yun can completely create an ancient environment in it.
"Ha, ha, ha, unexpectedly, I also made such a low-level mistake. Fortunately, I reacted in time. "
Da3 Yun4 smiled and relaxed completely. Now, really speaking, as long as he cultivates the medicine garden. There can be no one here who has gained more than him.
Sometimes, the harvest of killing is not necessarily the biggest!